Everything You Should Know About Keratin Treatment Before And After

Natural keratin is a protein that serves to protect epithelial cells that are damaged by stress or external factors. It is the main component of hair, nails, and skin. It acts on the external hair protection, but it also lies at the very root of the hair. He is responsible for the shiny, strong and thick hair that does not break. However, because it has been consumed for years, it slowly disappears from our body. This is due to various chemical processes, physical damage, stress, sun or salt water. That is why we will tell you everything that happens during keratin treatment before and after it.

Keratin treatment before and after

Regular hair painting, straightening and treating with various aggressive agents can contribute to the loss of natural keratin in the hair. When the loss occurs, it is more than obvious that the hair looks lifeless and that it is prone to cracking. Common causes of this problem are strong hair shampoos that damage the structure of the hair, sun damage, etc.

If it happens to you that after the winter period the hair becomes dry and damaged, know that the main culprits for this are low temperature, humidity, and rooms with dry air. The hair is sensitive, so it is necessary to nourish it properly.

However, thanks to hair keratin, the quality of the hair can be improved and in this way, the natural glow will return. Your hair will be like silk, you will no more see your split ends, and you will have a hairdo every time you wake up.

Treatment procedure

The practice of applying the treatment is deep hair washing and hair drying. Then the treatment will be applied and the hairdresser will leave you for an hour to dry. The final stage is straightening your hair with an iron. It is crucial that you do not wash your hair for another four days. It’s important that you do not tie it and not hold it behind your ear. If your hair breaks out after your sleep, use a hair iron to correct it. You will not be able to recognize your hair during keratin treatment before and after it.

Special care after treatment

After treatment, you must keep in mind that proper hair care involves the use of adequate cosmetics that will help maintain the quality of your hair. Not only will they maintain keratin treatment, but hair with active and proper care will look much healthier and better.

Every responsible hairdresser will immediately tell you that it’s time to use sulfate shampoos. If these products are not known to you, sulfur-free shampoos do not contain strong detergents and minerals that can destroy the hair follicle. By their composition, they are mild, do not irritate the skin of the head and they maintain keratin on the hair. Precisely because they do not contain aggressive substances they gently clean hair, maintaining the glow and persistence of the treatment.

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